Country specific information on bicycle touring in Africa. Information on routes and roads, where to sleep, what to eat, costs, and safety. The information below about bicycle touring in Africa is outdated. We cycled here from 2006- 2009. It
Top 5 Reasons to Cycle Madagascar

Bicycle touring in Madagascar may not be easy from a logistical point of view, but most cyclists who make the trip agree on one thing: it was worth the effort.German solo cyclist Heike Pirngruber tells us what makes cycle touring
Top 5 Reasons to Go Bicycle Touring in Liberia
In Liberia you will feel like you’re the only tourist in the country. It wouldn’t suprise me if you actually will be. So, why pedalling over there, you might ask? Well, here are 5 very good reasons. Not in any
Top 5 Reasons to Go Bicycle Touring in Mauritania

If a desert country strikes you as improbable place for a bicycle tour, read on and see if guest author Steve Cayford can change your mind. Reason # 1. Desert. If you like deserts there’s a good chance you’ll like
Top 5 Reasons to Cycle Guinea

1)The diversity. You have everything you can wish for in Guinea. (Except deserts – but you´ll find enough sand on the dirt tracks you pedal on…I promise!). In the south you have the rainforests of the Nzérékoré region and in
Top 5 Reasons to Cycle the Gambia

If you’re keen to explore Africa by bicycle, but not sure if you’re up for too much adventure The Gambia is the place to start. Guest poster Peter Gostelow tells us why. #5 Size: The Gambia is Africa’s smallest country
Top 5 Reasons to Cycle Ethiopia

Ethiopia is often equated with relentless hills, stone-throwing children and shouts of “you, you, you.” Sure, it’s not the easiest country for a cycle tourist to take on, but for those who persevere the rewards are plentiful. Tim and Mat share a
Top 5 Reasons to Cycle the DRC

The Democratic Republic of Congo seems to have that perfect mix of challenging roads, friendly locals and an element of uncertainty that makes it much-loved by adventure cyclists. This week, Peter Gostelow gives us his take on this chaotic Central
Top 5 Reasons to Cycle Central African Republic

Harder conditions make for a happier cyclist. Or at least that seems to be the case for intrepid Englishman Peter Gostelow. This week Peter shares his experiences biking through a country I’m not sure I’d have the courage to venture
Top 5 Reasons to Cycle Burundi

Emily and Max are only just back from their epic Africa ride. The tiny country of Burundi left a big impression. Here’s why: #5 Bujumbura: the capital city of Burundi is like travelling back in time to 80s France. It