“She doesn’t look good.” “I’ve never seen her like that. Just collapsed on the side of the road and refused to move. I had to drag her back on to her bike. Force her to pedal. I told her she’d
The Hard Way Round

“She doesn’t look good.” “I’ve never seen her like that. Just collapsed on the side of the road and refused to move. I had to drag her back on to her bike. Force her to pedal. I told her she’d
Stunning. Jaw-dropping beautiful. Amazing. Awe-inspiring. There’s something quite spectacular about the varied landscapes of Northern Argentina that words can’t quite capture. Arid and peaceful at times, brooding and pensive when a storm rolls across the Andes. These is a world
Flooding. We hadn’t expected it in on the Puna. But this was a La niña year, said the locals. Clima loco. Crazy weather. In this part of Northern Argentina, undulating Ruta 40 and the other minor roads we bounced along
Curva 3 and already I was short of breath. Gasping and gulping in precious oxygen. I reckoned we were at just over 2,000 meters. That’s nothing in the Andes. La Paz, the highest capital city in world lies at around
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10,000 kilometers and six months biking South America without seeing a single cyclist. Now we’re surrounded by seven of them hanging out in the same campground In Calafate, Argentina. Patagonia is swarming with cyclists. If there’s a bicycle touring mecca,
The ferocious Patagonian winds fought hard to keep us from reaching Tierra del Fuego. They tossed us about, knocked us off our bikes, attacked us from all sides. They humbled us. They angered us. They brought us to tears. But
We travel because we’re bored with the familiar. We’re fed up with spotting a Starbucks on every street corner. We can’t take another day of banal office gossip around the photo copier. We’re tired of seeing the same old big
Wonderful things happen when we open ourselves up to serendipity and chance. Embracing the out-of-the-ordinary often lands us is the most amazing of situations. And so it was last Friday evening on Argentina’s Ruta 3. The windiest road on the
Patagonia at last! Gone are the rolling hills and pine trees, the small towns with their delicious factura-filled bakeries and quiet parks. Patagonia is a windswept land of wide-open spaces, hardy sheep and long, lonely roads. The glaciers and lakes