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Old West Bikeway Oregon

discover another side of Oregon old west scenic bikeway Great getaway The Old West Scenic Bikeway offers a tantalizing variety of terrain and scenery.  You’ll pedal past everything  from rushing rivers  and dramatic rock formations to steamy hot springs and

Bicycle Touring Norway

Before visiting, I knew 5 things about Norway:The roads are really, really steep.Everything is crazy expensive.Vicious mosquitoes and midges attack any unprotected flesh.The weather is stormy and unsettled all year long.The wild camping is wonderful.

Random Saddle Tales

Happy in Hokkaido!

Sunshine.  A few rays of warm sunshine, that’s all it took to transform our Hokkaido cycle tour from one of futile misery to fun.  Our sincerest apologies, beautiful Hokkaido!  Your reputation as a world class cycling destination is well deserved.

Dangerous Expectations

It was mid-morning by the time the bikes were reassembled, the panniers re-packed  and we were ready to ride out into the Osaka traffic. The night had been restless.  Kansai International Airport is undeserving of its spot in Asia’s Top