Why not give the bicycle touring lifestyle a try? I’m guessing many of you would like to set off on a long-distance cycle tour. Someday. You’re just not quite sure when. At the moment, your focus is elsewhere. Perhaps your
Eight Underappreciated Bike Touring Destinations
Some spots draw scores of bicycle tourists: Chile’s Carreterra Austral, New Zealand’s South Island, the Pamir Highway, America’s west coast, the Danube River Cycle trail. Other lovely spots around the globe attract relatively few two-wheeled travelers. Here are 8 bike
A Practical Guide to Bicycle Touring in Korea
Asia’s best-kept bicycle touring secret As a bicycle touring destination, Korea is still largely off the radar of many Western tourists. This is changing as cyclists discover the comprehensive network of riverside cycle trails and endless options for backroad biking.
How to finance a long distance bicycle tour
The question you’ve been dying to ask. Almost nobody ever comes right out and asks us how we finance our round the world bicycle tour. But most people are curious as to how we were able to quit our jobs
Do you really need travel insurance?
We’ve had travel insurance since day one of our round the world bicycle tour. Being insured is important to us for a couple of reasons. Quality Healthcare Costs add up Quickly A surprising number of cyclists and travelers we meet
A Brief Guide to Bicycle Touring in Africa
Africa is a place that can appear both exciting and slightly intimidating for cyclists planning a bike tour. Alongside amazing cultures and landscapes is a fear of the unknown. Not nearly as much information is out there for Africa, compared
Which countries are safe for bicycle touring?
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Download EuroVelo Routes GPS Tracks
Using the links below, you can download the GPS tracks for the most popular EuroVelo Routes. If you’re using a dedicated GPS device (including GARMIN), download the GPX files. If you are using your SmartPhone to navigate, download the KML
9 Things to Know about Cycling the Pamir Highway
#1: It’s gonna be tough… But not so tough most moderately fit bicycle travelers can’t hack it. What counts most is commitment and a willingness to put up with some pain. The Pamir Highway traverses harsh and unforgiving landscape. It’s
Easy Ways to Save Money for a Bicycle Tour
Could there be a simple way to start saving money for a bicycle tour around the world? Quite possibly.The typical US household spends $3,008 per year on dining out, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics.That’s$250 per month spent on restaurants