Australian Stephanie Chee, cycling solo across the USA.

About the Interview
On a whim, Stephanie decides to take off across the USA by bicycle. This is her very first tour, but she’s not letting a lack of experience stop her from cycling coast to coast.

Touring Talk episode 1: Cycling Solo across the USA by worldbiking


Stephanie Chee






Across the USA from the Pacific to the Atlantic via Adventure Cycling’s Northern Tier Route.

We crossed paths:

In Eureka, Montana

Time taken to plan the tour:

24 hours!


A regular cycle commuter who’s decided to try her hand at touring.

Bike and Gear:

All last-minute purchases from REI.  About $1,000 all inclusive.

Wishes she’d brought:

A folding bowl and water bladder

Why she loves bike touring:

Gets you off the beaten track and in contact with all sorts of regular folks.



Meet a Cyclist: Stephanie Chee cycles solo across the USA
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